以下问题和答案适用于Revo Uninstaller和Revo Registry Revo Registry Cleaner!
免费软件版本和专业版本(Revo Uninstaller 和 Revo Registry Cleaner)安装在不同的文件夹中,并且完全独立。它们不共享通用组件或模块。因此,在系统中保留免费版本的情况下安装专业版本不会有问题。但是,专业版本更胜一筹,因此您之后将不需要免费软件版本。
我们的支持团队将在收到您的消息后 24 小时内与您联系。回复时间通常在几分钟到几小时之间,具体取决于支持团队的工作量!
如果您在 24 小时内仍未收到回复,请首先检查您的垃圾邮件文件夹,如果没有我们的回复,请再次发送您的查询并检查您的电子邮件地址是否正确书写。
我们接受自购买之日起 60 天内因任何原因提出的订单取消和退款请求。 如果有退款请求,请发送电子邮件至 support@revouninstaller.com 或使用我们的联系表格之一(包括订单参考号(订单 ID)或您下订单的电子邮件)。 退款选项因付款方式而异。 请注意,我们不接受超过60天的退款请求。
以下问题和答案适用于Revo Uninstaller和Revo Registry Revo Registry Cleaner!
我们的产品许可证是购买 1 年或 2 年的有效订阅,并有资格获得免费更新和技术支持。订阅期到期后,程序仍可使用之前发布的版本。
打开您已激活的程序,导航至主按钮 -> 更新订阅。输入新提供的序列号以延长您的订阅。
如需帮助,请参考如何在 Revo Uninstaller Pro 中更新许可证订阅。
打开您的程序,点击菜单按钮 -> 关于。"关于"窗口将显示您活跃订阅的到期日期和剩余天数。
没有。它们是同一事物的不同名称。任何新购买的许可证都可以用于在新的/额外的计算机上激活Revo Uninstaller Pro 5或Revo Registry Cleaner,或用于更新/延长之前激活的产品副本的订阅期。
我们对给您带来的不便表示歉意,但您需要联系我们的支持团队在服务器上重置您的激活。我们会优先处理这些请求,通常只需要几分钟到几小时 — 绝不会超过24小时。
是的,您可以随时延长订阅。一旦收到新的序列号,您可以通过"更新订阅"选项应用它。这将为特定安装的Revo Uninstaller Pro / Revo Registry Cleaner延长当前订阅,增加额外的订阅期。
Before attempting to uninstall a program, make sure it is not running and is closed.
Select the program in Revo Uninstaller Pro, and click the Uninstall button. Revo Uninstaller Pro will start the uninstall wizard, which will guide you through the process.
Revo Uninstaller Pro will try to run the built-in uninstaller of the program you want to uninstall; let it finish. If it is not working properly, you can skip (ignore) it. Then you should proceed to the leftover scan by clicking "Scan". After the scanning finishes, Revo Uninstaller Pro will list all leftover Registry entries, files, and folders for you to review, verify, and delete.
If you have monitored an installation with Revo Uninstaller Pro, the best approach for removing it is to use the created trace log. To access that, open the Traced Programs module.
Before uninstalling a program, make sure it is not running. Check the system tray (in the Taskbar, near the clock) for any icons belonging to the program you want to uninstall. If any of those icons are there, try right-clicking them, and look for an option like "Exit", "Quit" or something similar.
Select the program in Revo Uninstaller Pro and click the Uninstall button. A window will display, showing the progress of the operation, and when that window closes, the program will be uninstalled.
If an additional window called "Advanced Uninstall" is displayed, you can use the same suggested method to scan, review, and remove any leftovers you find.
Uninstalling a program using a log from the Logs Database is done the same way as uninstalling the program using your own log. Just select the program in the Logs Database list and click the Uninstall button. This will automatically download the selected log, import it into Revo Uninstaller Pro, and start the uninstallation procedure.
By default, Revo Uninstaller Pro moves all leftover files to the Recycle Bin when you delete them, so check there for accidentally deleted files. Also, by default, Revo Uninstaller Pro backs up every deleted leftover Registry item, so check the Backup Manager for any backups of deleted Registry entries you want to restore.
Revo Uninstaller Pro has a unique feature called "Hunter Mode":
Then you can select "Kill Process", and it will disappear from the system tray. There are other options you may want to use such as: Uninstall, Stop Auto Starting, Properties, Open Containing Folder, etc.
You cannot uninstall programs if you do not have administrator privileges because uninstalling programs involves removing files, folders, and Registry entries from various protected system locations on your hard drive and Registry. The standard user account is designed only to have privileges to run/use most programs.
Most likely, this error message is generated by the program's built-in uninstaller due to its being corrupted or not properly working.
In most cases, Revo Uninstaller Pro can handle the uninstallation process even if the built-in program uninstaller is not functioning properly. For that, start the uninstallation procedure with Revo Uninstaller as usual, and when you see that error message, simply skip (ignore) it, click the Scan button to start scanning for the program's leftovers and continue to review and delete any leftover data you find.
如果该程序未列在 Revo Uninstaller Pro 中,您可以使用我们的强制卸载功能,该功能不需要程序正确安装或列出。启动强制卸载功能,输入程序的确切名称,或指向硬盘上的程序文件夹,然后继续卸载过程。
If any updates are listed in Revo Uninstaller Pro, you should be able to uninstall them without issue. However, their installation and removal may be critical for the operating system, and they should be handled only by the built-in functionality in Windows.
You can use our Forced Uninstall feature, which does not require a program to be installed or listed properly. Start the Forced Uninstall feature, enter the program's exact name and/or point to its folder on the hard drive, and proceed with the uninstall procedure.
Cancel the built-in program uninstaller and the uninstall wizard of Revo Uninstaller Pro. Then, in the list of installed programs, right-click the program in question and select the Forced MSI Uninstall command, which will start the uninstall procedure again — but the built-in uninstaller will try to uninstall the program instead of repairing it.
日志数据库是一组由我们的代理预先创建的跟踪日志,可通过 Revo Uninstaller Pro 访问,包括流行或请求的软件产品。
它由 Revo Uninstaller Pro 团队创建和维护。日志存储在我们的网络服务器上,您可以使用它们来卸载程序或删除以前卸载的程序的残余文件。
使用日志数据库中的日志卸载程序与使用您自己的日志相同。只需在日志数据库列表中选择程序,然后点击卸载按钮。这将自动下载所选日志,将其导入 Revo Uninstaller Pro,然后启动卸载过程。
例如,如果您的电脑上安装了 Skype 5.2,即使使用 Skype 5.1 的日志,您也应该能够正确卸载它。这是因为当通过日志卸载跟踪的程序时,“高级卸载”技术适用。它会搜索与可能未记录在日志中的已卸载程序相关的数据。
Click the Menu button -> Options -> Junk Files Cleaner -> General, and check if the specific file type is in the list and if it is checked. If the file extension is not listed, click the Add button, enter the specific file type in the newly appeared window, and click OK to confirm. Start the Junk Files Cleaner, and click the Scan button to start scanning.
In the Autorun Manager, uncheck the program you want to disable. Conversely, to enable it, simply check it back again.
要手动清理注册表,请选择首选扫描方法(安全、适中、高级)。Revo Registry Cleaner将扫描您的系统,并在扫描完成后为您提供结果。扫描完成后,Revo Registry Cleaner将列出所有发现的注册表项,供您审查、验证和删除。