Auslogics Driver Updater is an advanced tool that helps automate the task of getting all device and hardware drivers updated to the latest manufacturer-released versions.
Do you have trouble completely uninstalling Auslogics Driver Updater from your system?
Are you looking for an effective solution to thoroughly get rid of it off the computer? Do not worry!
You came to the right place, and you will be able to uninstall Auslogics Driver Updater without any difficulty.
It seems that there are many users who have difficulty uninstalling programs like Auslogics Driver Updater from their systems. Some experience issues during uninstallation, whereas other encounter problems after the program is removed.
There could be other causes why users may not be able to uninstall Auslogics Driver Updater. An incomplete uninstallation of a program may cause problems, which is why thorough removal of programs is recommended.
Start Revo Uninstaller Pro and open the module "Logs Database"
In the Search field type "Auslogics Driver Updater" and you will see all logs of "Auslogics Driver Updater" in the database compatible with your Windows Version.
Select the appropriate log by version from the list and press the "Uninstall" button from the toolbar
You will see few popping up windows showing the download and import of the log to your Revo Uninstaller Pro and then the main Uninstall dialog that shows the progress of the uninstall of Auslogics Driver Updater.
Open the Start Menu and type Apps and Features
Look for Auslogics Driver Updater in the list and click on it. The next step is to click on uninstall, so you can initiate the uninstallation.
Most of the computer programs have uninstall.exe or uninst000.exe in their installation folders. You need to execute these files in order to start the uninstallation process. Here are the steps:
Go to the installation folder of Auslogics Driver Updater. Most of the times it is located in C:\Programs files or C:\Program files(x86)
Locate uninstall.exe or uninst000.exe
Double click the file to start the uninstallation process.
Hold the Windows + R keys to open the Run command.
this uninstallation string"C:\Program Files (x86)\Auslogics\Driver Updater\unins000.exe"
and paste it in the Run command window and click OK.
Follow the instructions to complete the uninstallation.
Auslogics Driver Updater 1.9 on Windows 7 64-bit
Auslogics Driver Updater 1.9 on Windows 7 32-bit
Auslogics Driver Updater 1.9 on Windows XP 32-bit
Auslogics Driver Updater 1.9 on Windows 8.1 64-bit
Auslogics Driver Updater 1.9 on Windows 10 64-bit
Auslogics Driver Updater 1.9 on Windows 10 32-bit
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